
Dr. Noemi Mena Montes (PhD in Political Communication), Robert Maricak (Business investor and executives' consultant), Dr. Aurora Martin (National Agency for Equal Opportunities, Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs), Dr. Justin Kagin (Founder and director of EDI, University of California at Davis), Momir Blazek (Art Director of MI Design), Dr. Josip Lucev (International Relations and Diplomacy), Rodoljub Orescanin (Biznisnova), Mihajlo Trajkoski (Project manager at the NGO LinkAcross), Tihomir Kukolja (Director of Leadership Focus International, Former director of ROM), Maria Van Oost (ECPM, Manager of Events and Compliance Officer), Jack Fallow (Director of Globis Mediation), Nataša Oreščanin (preschool kids and Counselling for family)

Sometimes speakers cannot attend due to various circumstances beyond our or their control, EDI cannot guarantee their attendance. 

Dr. Noemi Mena Montes

Dr. Noemi Mena Montes. Spanish journalist with a PhD in Political Communication. She is a media lecturer-researcher, a consultant on political communication and expert on immigration.  In the past, Noemi Mena has been working as a radio journalist, freelance correspondent and researcher in the Middle East. She has had several research grants for international projects and won an award for migration studies in Spain. 

Robert Maričak

Robert Maričak, Business Advisory. Helping entrepreneurs & CEOs in the Startups, ICT Distribution & RE Development sectors. Investor. Croatia

Dr. Aurora Martin

Dr. Aurora Martin, Professor (Pontifical Oriental Institute of Vatican) Vice President International Institute for Human Security, Honorary President Womanity for All Association. Gender expert - senior advisor to the National Agency for Equal Opportunities between Women and Men. She was a senior advisor to the National Council for Combating Discrimination. Since 2022, she is G100 Global Chair for Intercultural Dialogue (G100 Global Women Leaders) She has taught Gender Studies, Good Governance, Non-Discrimination, Cultural Violence and Conflict Transformation at: Wilmington College, Ohio, USA; Russian Presidential Academy for National Economy and Public Administration, St. Petersburg; University of Belgrade; RomaTre University, Italy; Lomonosov Moscow State University; Khazar University, Baku; University of Bucharest, Faculty of Political Science, European Center for Security Studies at George C. Marshall in Germany. Her research at George C. Marshall focused on Human Security, Responsibility to Protect, and UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security. In 2016, as a fellow of the US State Department, she attended the Professional Fellows program, focused on community organization, and on her return, she dedicated herself to research in the field of modern slavery. In 2019, she received a scholarship from the US State Department to implement a unique project in the EU: "Mobile Museum of Modern Day Slavery"

Dr. Justin Kagin

Dr. Justin Kagin, Founder and director of EDI. Founder and CEO of Kagin’s Consulting, a consulting firm helping to alleviate poverty worldwide, www.kaginsconsulting.com. PhD in agriculture and resource economics at the University of California at Davis. 

Dr. Josip Lucev

Dr. Josip Lucev holds a PhD degree in Political Science from the Faculty of Political Science, University of Zagreb. and an M.A. degree in Social Policy from the Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb. He delivered lectures as an external associate in courses on “Political Economy“, “Global and Comparative Political Economy“ and “Development Policies“ at the Faculty of Political Science in Zagreb. Since 2015 he works at Dag Hammarskjöld University College of International Relations and Diplomacy.

Momir Blažek

Momir Blazek, is the CEO, Art Director of MI Design, a graphic design business in Croatia. He has produced advertisements for various businesses, book covers, posters, web pages and magazines.

Mihaela Kovacs

Mihaela Kovacs, Roma coordinator for Sigisoara. President of Baracca

Mihajlo Trajkoski

Mihajlo Trajkoski, Project manager at the NGO LinkAcross, managing a project that provides executive business coaching to SMEs. Bachler’s degree in Marketing from the Faculty of Economics, University of Skopje, Macedonia.

Maria van Oost

Maria Van Oost works for ECPM for more than 10 years, currently serving as Manager of Events and Compliance Officer. Until recently she used to work for SGP International organising training events in Eastern Europe about improving the democratic process. She was born and raised in Romania but now lives in the Netherlands for almost 15 years. She is married and has two children.

Jack Fallow

Jack Fallow has had a career from shop floor to boardroom. He held directorship roles in British Gas, including HR, Customer Service and Operations. When asked to close a division of British Gas, Jack led a buyout to create an employee owned company. As chair of the employee owned company, the numbers employed doubled and the value of the company grew by 14 times in six years. His experience includes a one year secondment to the Home Office and over 10 years as a participant in the Cabinet Offices senior management training programmes. His not-for-profit experience includes being a director of the Brunel Institute of Social Studies, council member of Brunel University, Trustee and moderator of the Trinity Forum and over 25 years as a trustee of the National Youth Jazz Orchestra (NYJO). In NYJO, he was vice chair for 11 years and carried responsibility for HR and Diversity & Inclusion. He is currently a director of Globis Mediation. His current charity interests include being a trustee of Polylogos, a Romanian charity.

EDI is sponsored by the ECPM, Vacaville Rotary, Lake Forest Rotary, Zagreb Metropolitan Rotary and other private donors.